Red is the main protagonist of the Angry Birds series of games and films and one of the most popular for children.
So, with the release of Angry Birds 2, both boys and girls will ask for these face painting designs for sure!
I tried to paint a bird mask, easily adaptable to any of the bird's colours or shape and quickly doable on the job.
Let's paint!
Step 1
Load a Number 5 Angle Brush with Grimas Bright Yellow and paint a rhomboid shape on the model's nose.
Step 2
With the same Angle Brush than before, paint the bird's eyebrows with Diamond FX Black starting from the temple and ending in the centre of the eyes, over the top of the bird's beak. Now load a Number 4 Loew Cornell Round with black and surround the model's eyes with a line, avoiding the eye area, inspired by the style of amazing Annabel Hoogeveen masks.
Step 3
Load still the same Angle Brush with Fab Red and paint the bird's forehead and cheeks.
Step 4
Load a Number 4 Loew Cornell Round with black and outline the full design, separating the beak into two parts, upper and lower.
Step 5
Now load a Sponge with Black and stencil some splashes using Bad Ass Mini Stencil Splatters.
Step 6
Load a Number 4 Loew Cornell Round with Fab White and paint some soft highlights on top parts of the design and on half of the beak to give a more 3D sensation.
Your design is ready!
Bad Ass Mini Stencil Splatters
Belén Canosa is the owner of Belén te Pinta and has been working as a professional face painter since 2011 when she discovered a passion for painting on a live canvas.
She loves belly painting and teaching and her works have been featured in several face and body painting magazines like Skin Markz Magazine, Illusion Magazine, Pintamos? and Qmagazine
You can follow her on Instagram and Facebook: