Congratulations to our August Instagram winner, Vittoria! For the month of August, the theme was "Aliens" and Vittoria was the lucky winner of a $50 gift certificate to We hope you've treated yourself to some new paints!
To get to know our contests winners a little bit better, we've asked them a series of questions.
Vittoria Q&A:
1. How long have you been face painting for?
"I’ve been face painting for 3 or 4 years more or less."
2. What inspired you to start face painting?
"I’ve always loved make-up in general. Carnival and Halloween are my favourite periods of the year and instead of using a mask or something like that, I used make-up to transform myself into something creepy. Then, one day my sister asked me to do kids face painting at my niece’s birthday party and I accepted. It was so much fun that I also wanted to paint my own body with some aqua colours."
3. Do you have afavorite brand that you always use?
"Yes, I do. I really love Grimas water make-up. Their colours are so pigmented and really vibrant, but I always look for new make-up brands."
4. Do you face paint professionally or as a hobby?
"I do face painting as a hobby, but I must admit that it would be awesome to transform this passion into a job."
5. Did you study in school or are you a self taught artist?
"I’m a completely self taught body painter."
6. What is your favorite design to face paint?
"I loooooove skulls. I never get tired of them."
7. Have you won any awards/competitions? If so, please share with us :)
"Yes, I have. I won the “Fairy Italiawards” Christmas edition last year and I’m currently in the “Italy Nyx Face Awards” top 30. And of course I won your “Alien” contest!"
8. What is your favorite design that you've ever painted? (please share pic if possible).

"The “Mummy”. I don’t know if it’s the best one, but it’s for sure my favourite one."
9. Do you have website/social media account you'd like to share with us?
"You can see all my works on my Instagram profile: vik_up_"
10. Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? (a little introductory, fun facts, etc...)
"I’ve always loved painting, drawing, singing and art in general but I’ve chosen a different path so now I’m trying to become a French teacher at middle and high school. Some of my students follow me on Instagram and I honestly don’t know what they possibly think about me :D but, who says that a teacher can’t be a body painter as well?"