Plastic sheet protectors
Various nail polish (get the ones at the register for 1$ that nobody wants… crazy colors, glittery, metallic, neon, fuzzy polishes… )
black nail polish with nail artist’s ultra-fine brush (or alternatively a fine black marker such as sharpie)
3D Tulip fabric glue, any solid, metallic or glitter color works fine
Pros-Aide to apply them safely on skin
Optional; lined or checkered page
Place the sheet protector right in front of you. If you plan on keeping the eyes on the sheet and are a bit of a perfectionist you may want to use a lined or checkered page inside the protector to help you guide and stay in neat lines. Add with Tulip glue one dot per eye on the sheet, about the size of a pin needle head. Choose your wiggly eye and place your pair on the dots. Push them down a little so they attach to the sheet. Fill your sheet with eye pairs. Give them time to dry. Now choose the nail polish that you are going to use and using the original nail polish brush paint on lids. I find that they look the best when they are covering the upper half of the eye. Let the polish dry thoroughly. Depending on the polish you may want to add a second coat to cover completely (if your color is not already covering) or you might want it see thru? You might want to add a different coat like maybe a glitter polish? However after your lids are painted and dry, you add the line of the lid and cute lashes for the eyes that shall look more girlie. I find that they look best in nail polish but they are certainly easier to do with a sharpie, you might want to experiment with what works best for you? And don’t forget to keep some eyes without lashes, and do some greens, browns and blues cause boys like them too!!
Please see the step by step picture?
So easy and so fun!
If you like to travel light, you can pack them in pairs into tiny jewelry bags, perforate them and collect them on a book ring for gigs or you can keep them right on the sheet protector in a folder, it’s up to you.
Now start to play with different sizes, styles and colors and design your own characters…
I promise you it will be a hit – little kids love them; charge 1$ extra for googly eyes to make more money or do it silently to speed up your line.
Speed up your line, add them instead of wasting time on painting character eyes;
…or have a whole bag of single googly eyes ready. You know; once in a while, kinda like socks in the laundry….they lose their soul mates and you end up with a bag of strays, simply let kids choose up to 3 different eyes in a bag and paint little 3-eyed monsters on their cheeks, so fun! )
Some character ideas using googly eyes;
PS; If you like my googly eyes, you might want to stay tuned for one of my next tutorials how I make Minion Eyes or dragon eyes?