
Boo! An Easy Halloween Ghost Design


Here’s a silly Halloween ghost that’s come to be scary! Actually I think he just wants candy! Quick someone get him a trick or treat bag!


Medium #4 Round Brush
Small Round #1 (1/16″) Brush

Colors used in this picture:

Black Face Paint
White Face Paint
Yellow Face Paint
Light Blue Face Paint
Silver Face Paint
Diamond FX Refills – Metallic Cinder Grey


1. Starting with the silver paint, and a medium round brush, paint a shape that is curved on top and straight on bottom for the tombstone.


2. Next, using the same brush, use grey to add shading to one side, and to also add “RIP”.


3. Using the white, paint the outline of the ghost. Paint a hump with two pointed outer edges. Bring the edges to a point right above the tombstone.


4. Fill in, and add a little bit of thin, curvy lines from the ghost to the ground.


5. Use light blue to highlight and give shape to the ghost.


6. Use yellow  to create the shapes of the eyes and mouth. Finally using a thin round brush, outline the design. Add two dots for the eyes that are facing in different directions. Outline the mouth and the outside shape of the ghost. Outline the grave stone and very lightly the “RIP” as well.

