Bring out the mischievous side of you with this super fast, fun and sparkly She-Devil design!
Cameleon Colour Block Gypsy (sub Arty Brush Cake Cupcake)
Step 1: the base
First, I start by applying a light base with a sponge over the eyelids with white and pink. For this, I use glycerin based paints as they are much easier to blend.
Step 2: creating the shape
For this mask I don´t want to fill in the shape entirely with paint as I want it to have a lighter feel. Also, I will be adding glitter to this later so I want to leave some open space for that. I use a one stroke for the shape and I soften the edges with a sponge while the paint is still wet. This one stroke called Gypsy by Cameleon is one of my absolute favourites!
Tip: Do you want to learn one stroke technique in depth? Check out this the Most Detailed Face Painting Guide for Professionals.

Step 3: adding stencils
For more interest and depth I then add some pattern with a stencil. I use a finger dauber for the stenciling, this gives me more control over where I want the pattern, especially under the eyes. I pick up color from the one stroke and use the dark part of the cake for the top area and the red/pink color under the eyes as I don´t want this area to look too heavy. The stencil I use here has a snakeskin pattern, but you can experiment with other textures as well.
Step 4: the horns
Using a round brush I pick up the red from the one stroke cake and paint the horns.
Step 5: line work and shading
As the one stroke cake here already has a black part, I only need to add some line work around the horns. To soften the black a bit I go over the horns with a soft blending brush.
Step 6: glitter and highlights
I go over the horns with a white paint to create some highlights - and then its time to glam the whole design up with some chunky glitter and some lip color! I only put glitter in a few selected areas so as not to cover up the background pattern.
Add a custom made bling to the centre of the mask for an even more glamorous and sparkly she-devil look!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial - can´t wait to see your version of this!
Kristin Olsson has her background from the art and design world and has been working as a professional face painter since 2016.
She is an instructor at Olga Murasev´s International Face Painting School (, has won numerous face painting competitions and has been published in various face and body painting magazines.
You can see more of her work on her Instagram and Facebook pages.