
Sneakadoodle Tribute to Teachers

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleFinalA2

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleFinalA1

The kids aren’t the only ones looking forward to a little rest and relaxation this summer. After a year of hard work, the teachers need a break as well. Here’s a quirky Sneakadoodle tribute to your favorite teacher.


Paradise red face paint
Paradise light brown face paint
Paradise lime green face paint
Paradise amazon green face paint
TAG skin tone palette
Diamond FX white
Diamond FX black
#5 round brush
#1 round brush


1. Start on one side of the forehead, and create your initial upside down teacher head shape with one of your TAG skin tone colors from the palette. Add a couple of small ears halfway down the head on either side, and two white ovals for the eyes. Although you can give your teacher any kind of hairdo you’d like, I choose a curly red style.

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleStepA1

On the opposite side of the face, create a red apple shape on the cheek, reserving a small place on the right side for your work to come out. Since the worm will be lime green, it’s better to leave where he’ll be unpainted rather than to try to go over the red. Add a stem and a leaf shape as well. If you double load your brush with light and dark green, it adds extra dimension.

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleStepA2

2. Using your #1 round brush and the Diamond FX black, it’s time to carefully outlines to each side of the design. This is the trickiest part for me to do on a model, but mine sat very still. Stay up on the tip of the brush while holding it perpendicular to the surface of the face for the best results. Remember that the harder you press down on a brush, the wider your line will become.



3. Finally, add some white highlights to your design with your #1 round brush and Diamond FX white. Wait until the paint underneath is dry for the best effects, otherwise the color below will come through to the top.

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleFinalB1

2015-04-16 TeacherAppleFinalB2

Beth MacKinney is the owner and primary artist of Face Paint Pizzazz in the NW Chicago suburbs. She also writes for as the Chicago Face Painting Examiner.