
Facepaint Blog

Browse through hundreds of face painting designs - there's something for everyone! Updated weekly with the newest trends in mind.

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Not every white seems to be perfect for every job. Some are good for line work others are better for blending - let's find out what is the best white for you! sells dozens of different brands black face paint, so which one should you to choose for your kit? This blog will definitely help you decide...
In this quick tutorial, face paint artist Marina, shows us how to remove tough face paint stains, and it's actually easier than you'd think!

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Learn how to upsell your face painting art with these tips and tricks from Beth MacKinney!
Most of your face painting customers are going to be children, who have the advantage of having quite smooth skin to face paint on. However, as people age, their skin changes.
This glittering mask will add a little sparkle to your holiday events, and is likely to have a special appeal for teens and women with it’s glamour look.
For this week’s installment of, What’s on Your Board? our featured must have design is the rainbow.
You can dress up your basic tiger design for the upcoming holidays or for children who love shimmer and shine by using metallics instead of the traditional yellow, orange and red face face paint.
Great news for our customers and fellow face painters out there! Your favorite face paint brand, Diamond FX, is on sale for this month!
Princess, fairy, and masquerade designs are the bread and butter of princess parties for little girls.
2016-06-29FP-VID-FlamingoSunsetFinalF-WAs summer approaches it’s peak for sunshine and heat, beach-themed parties become more commonly requested. Be ready for the girls who love pink with this easy pink flamingo sunset mask, which [..]
Follow along with Stacey Perry to recreate this dark princess face paint tutorial!
2016-05-01PrincessMaskStepFinalA2-WThere is no end to the variety of princess designs you can create for parties. A nice quality of this design is that you can determine how much time it [..]
CartoonPiggyA-WCartoon farm animals are a great addition to your summer board, especially if you have any farm-themed events coming up. If you haven’t tried any cartooning in the [..]
Peacock Face Paint TutorialPainting adult designs can be just as fun as painting for children. My beautiful model loves peacocks, so I used that as inspiration for this design. I hope [..]