

Blue is a popular color in many face/body designs. If you have a school team whose color is blue, make sure you have plenty of blue liquid paint on hand to cover the fans.


Festival Glitter - Frost $9.55
Kraze Dome Stroke - Dusk (25 gm) $10.85
Silly Farm Arty Brush Cakes - 4th of July (20 gm) $11.99 $14.99
Diamond FX Split Cake Color Splash RS50-24 (1.76 oz/50 gm) $14.85
TAG Body Art - Neon Blue $4.00 - $17.00
GTX Facepaint - Blue Suede Shoes (60 gm) $14.99
Fusion Body Art Face Paint - Pearl Peacock Magic (25 gm) $7.75
Paradise AQ Face Paints - Light Blue LBL $7.00 - $11.90
Fusion Body Art Rainbow Cake - Lodie Up - Cotton Candy (40 gm) $14.50
Art Factory Rainbow Jewel Glitter - Aqua (0.5 oz) $4.00
Diamond FX Face Paints - Light Blue 66 $4.50 - $22.50
Superstar Face Paint - Brilliant Blue 143 $6.75 - $9.99
VIVID Glitter Aloha Chunky Glitter Mix $5.99
Amerikan Body Art Glitter Creme - Pisces (15 gm) $6.98 $7.98
Fusion Body Art 1 Stroke Cake - Spring Rainbow (30 gm) $12.50
Fusion Body Art FX Rainbow Cake - Unicorn Sparks (50 gm) NON NEON $14.75
Fusion Body Art FX Rainbow Cake - Mermaid Tale (50 gm) $14.75
Mehron StarBlend Cake Makeup - Blue (2 oz) $11.90 $11.95
TAG Blue Face Paints - Pearl Teal (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
Amerikan Body Art Glitter Creme - Capricorn (15 gm) $6.98 $7.98