Congratulations to our February Instagram winner, Anastacia! For the month of February, the theme was "Felines" and Anastacia was the lucky winner of a $50 gift certificate to We hope you've treated yourself to some new paints!
Anastacia Q&A
1. How long have you been face painting for?
"About 2 years, but I've been interested in this kind of art for a long time, maybe 6 years, but I thought that I can't do it, that my painting skills are not so good for it."
2. What inspired you to start face painting?
"One day I just decided to try. And it worked. I don't know, I think that my feelings were my inspiration."
3. Do you have a favorite brand that you always use?
"I use different brands, TAG, Mehron, Nyx and so on. And also I can use different kind of improvised materials :)"
4. Do you face paint professionally or as a hobby?
"It's my hobby, just an expression of my inside world."
5. Did you study in school or are you a self taught artist?
"I studied at design school for 1 year, but it's not enough for good painting skills, so I can say that mostly I am a self-taught artist."
6. What is your favorite design to face paint?
"It's so difficult to choose. I like pictures of some scenes. Or some strange designs."
7. Have you won any awards/competitions? If so, please share with us :)
"Yes, I won competition of FaraWowColors(it's Russian colors for hair) and Nyx competition devoted FIFA 2018. And at :)"
8. What is your favorite design that you've ever painted? (please share pic if possible)
"It's my Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here" album cover creation.
And Cheshire Cat design that I won the contest with :)"
9. Do you have a website/social media related to face painting that you'd like to share with us?
"Yes, my Instagram account @rakel_meller"
10. Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? (a little introductory, fun facts, etc...)
"I'd like to advise all : don't be afraid and try to do what you really want to do :)"