Photo provided by SC Designs
During the recent Chicago Wizard World comic convention I came across some fantastic cosplays, one of them was by Moe Hunt. Moe does a variety of characters and costumes, but the one that caught my attention was her Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Photo provided by Mig Photography World
How long have you been doing cosplay?
I’ve been cosplaying for five years now! Half a decade!
What was your first character?
My first cosplay was Ariel from the Little Mermaid, with a walkable mermaid tail.
What is your favorite event or con?
My favorite event is Dragon Con. It’s the best. You see so many obscure costumes and groups of characters.
Why did you chose Gamora?
I chose Gamora because she is a great female character. She has goals and ambition, but also is there for those who need her.
What is your favorite thing about cosplaying Gamora?
My favorite thing about cosplaying Gamora is hard to say. I love the confidence it gives me and the reactions of people when they see the costume. But, I also love when children light up when they see Gamora in the flesh. It’s such a cute thing to see.
When was the first time you did Gamora?
The first time I cosplayed Gamora was at Wizard World Chicago 2014!
What type of facepaint makeup do you use?
I used Kryolan Aquacolor for her green skin. I blended a mix of two different greens to make her shade.
How long does it take to do your makeup?
It took 1.5 hours to apply the makeup by myself and get ready.
Do you have any makeup or costuming advice for anyone that wants to do a Gamora?
My tips for Gamora is make sure you do some trial runs with the makeup. I also recommend using Kryolan Aquacolor because it blends so well and doesn’t smear and look uneven. Also, fixative is your best friend! You don’t want to get green all over everyone and everything. When it comes to the costume, look up references. If you can’t find the exact fabric, don’t worry about it and create your own take on the character.

Photo provided by Mig Photography World
If you want to see more of Moe’s cosplaying designs check out her Facebook page

Photo provided by SC Designs
Thanks to
Scorpio concept designs for use of their photos from their Zenfolio
Mig Photography World for use of their wonderful photos
and of course
Thank you Moe, for agreeing to be my featured cosplayer.