
Happy Hanukkah – Easy Menorah Design!


As  Hanukkah is celebrated this week, there will be the lighting of many beautiful Menorahs in homes across the world. The Menorah is something that traditionally one would spend a good amount of money that can be afforded, to show respect. So here is a pretty Menorah design that is perfect to share this week.


Medium #4 Round Brush
Small Round #1 (1/16″) Brush

Colors used in this picture:

Black Face Paint
White Face Paint
Yellow Face Paint
Orange Face Paint
Light Blue Face Paint
Diamond FX Face Paints – Metallic Cooper


1. Starting with the round brush, and the metallic cooper paint, paint a wide U shape, then a line going through the middle. Shape the base however you would like.


2. Continue to add two more additional wide u shapes below the first, then one inside. You want four “u”‘s in total.


3. Add candles using blue and the small round brush. Go around the edge of the blue with white, and add a small wick on top of the candles.


4. Next, using yellow add flames to the top of each candle. Then use orange to add to the middle of the yellow flames.


5. Finally, I went ahead and did another layer of metallic cooper so it will really shine. Once that is dry, then trace over and add a black outline.  So pretty!


Happy Holidays!