Congratulations to our July Instagram winner, Jiuliana! For the month of July, the theme was "Butterflies" and Jiuliana was the lucky winner of a $50 gift certificate to We hope you've treated yourself to some new paints!
To get to know our contests winners a little bit better, we've asked them a series of questions.
Jiuliana Q&A:
1. How long have you been face painting for?
"For more than 5 years."
"For more than 5 years."
2. What inspired you to start face painting?
"I was looking a job that would allow me to be with my son, so I decided do face painting in parties with my son."
3. Do you have a favorite brand that you always use?
"For white and black my favorite brand is FX Diamonds. then for the rest of the colors, I like a little of everything."
4. Do you face paint professionally or as a hobby?
"As a hobby."
5. Did you study in school or are you a self taught artist?
"Self taught artist."
6. What is your favorite design to face paint?
6. What is your favorite design to face paint?
"My favorite design is all kind of flowers and butterflies because it is hard for me ;)"
7. Have you won any awards/competitions? If so, please share with us :)
"No, with you guys was the first time. ;)"
8. What is your favorite design that you've ever painted? (please share pic if possible)

"When Peru passed to the cup America Soccer."
9. Do you have a website/social media related to face painting that you'd like to share with us?
"I use Facebook. here it is: "
10. Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? (a little introductory, fun facts, etc...)
"I am very aware that I need to learn a lot about face painting, For me, it is a challenge everyday to fine the time to practice, but I will not give up. Thank you for the opportunity."