★Use contrasting colors to make it pop.
★Make sure to wipe your brush clean after each color. This will keep your colors bright.
★Medium #4 Round Brush
★High Density Hydra Foam Sponge(cut in half)
★Water and Container
★Spritzer bottle
Colors Used In This Picture:
★Diamond FX Essential Black
★Diamond FX Essential White
★Diamond FX Face Paints – Rainbow Split Cake
1. Starting with the rainbow cake, spritz the surface of the paints once or twice to activate. Take the high density sponge half, and use the flat edge to pick up the paint. Line the edge of the sponge with the colors of the cake. Rub the sponge over the cake, moving back and forth until you can see the sponge is good and loaded.
2. Next, take the sponge and pounce on the place you want your design to go. Make sure to go back and fourth a few times to make sure its vivid and bright. Let dry.
3. Using your #4 round brush, and red face paint, add a heart at the bottom of your design.
4. Next add clouds to the top of your design, by loading your brush with lots of white face paint, and painting a variety of circles overlapping each other over the edge of the rainbow. Add white lines and dots inside the rainbow, and add some dots to the heart as well.
5. Finally, outline the design in black face paint, using the same brush. Paint swirly lines for each circle of the cloud. Outline the heart and each side of the rainbow. Top with some glitter and you have a fast and fun rainbow!