

Blue is a popular color in many face/body designs. If you have a school team whose color is blue, make sure you have plenty of blue liquid paint on hand to cover the fans.


TAG 1 Stroke Cakes - Bluebird (1.06 oz/30 gm) $11.90
Amerikan Body Art Glitter Creme - Capricorn (15 gm) $6.98
Diamond FX Split Cake Delicate Fairy RS50-77 (1.76 oz/50 gm) $14.85
Fusion Body Art 1 Stroke Cake - Ocean Breeze (30 gm) $12.50
EZStrokes Body Art Mermaid Palette Refill - Dolphin $6.50
Silly Farm Split Cakes - Caribbean Cool (1.59 oz/45 gm) $26.00
Silly Farm Split Cakes - True Rainbow (1.59 oz/45 gm) $20.99
Fusion Body Art Spectrum Face Painting Palette - Rainbow Explosion $54.95
Fusion Body Art Spectrum FX Palette - Leanne's Princess Petal Palette (Non Neon) $65.00
ProAiir Hybrid 6-Color Kit - Standard (1 oz/30 ml) $67.00
Festival Glitter - Blue Lagoon $9.55
Amerikan Body Art Opaque Glitter - Royal Blue (0.5 oz) $3.98
Diamond FX Neon Blue N70 $5.00 - $24.48
Fusion Body Art 1 Stroke Cake - Flower Fields (30 gm) $12.50
Diamond FX Neon/Blacklight Palette (6/colors - 10 gm) $28.00
Silly Farm Arty Brush Cakes Fairy Brooke Collection - Bella Beauty $17.00
ProAiir Hybrid 6-Color Kit - Rainbow (1 oz/30 ml) $67.00
EZStrokes Body Art UV GLOW Cotton Candy Palette Refill - Shark Gummy $6.50
Fusion Body Art Spectrum FX Palette - Leanne's Tropical Collection (Non Neon) $38.00
Paradise AQ Face Paints - Dark Blue DBL $7.00 - $11.90