

Blue is a popular color in many face/body designs. If you have a school team whose color is blue, make sure you have plenty of blue liquid paint on hand to cover the fans.


Ben Nye Death Makeup Wheel Makeup (DW) $28.00
Silly Farm Split Cakes - Florida Sky (1.59 oz/45 gm) $19.00
VIVID Gleam Chunky Glitter Cream - Aloha $6.99
VIVID Glitter Heaven Chunky Glitter Mix $5.99
Paradise Prisma Rainbow Face Paints - Cool 806-658 (1.75 oz/50 gm) $14.50
Festival Glitter - Fireworks $10.00
VIVID Gleam Chunky Glitter Cream - Gum Nebula UV $6.99
Amerikan Body Art Glitter Creme - Neptune (15 gm) $7.98
Wolfe Face Paint Crayons - Bright (6/box) $1.84
Wolfe Jumbo Face Paint Crayons - Bright (6/box) $2.76
Mehron Fantasy FX Face Paint Tubes - Blue BL (1 oz) $3.95
Amerikan Body Art Pixie Paint Glitter Gel - Absinthe (1 oz) $7.50
EZStrokes Body Art Susy Amaro Spooktacular Palette $39.00
Diamond FX Split Cake Cool Breeze RS50-76 (1.76 oz/50 gm) $16.05
TAG 1 Stroke Cakes - Mini Fizz (1.06 oz/30 gm) $12.00
TAG Split Cakes - Teal and Light Blue (1.76 oz/50 gm) $8.60
Silly Farm Arty Brush Cake - Bat Hero Blue By Susy Amaro (20 gm) $14.99
Fusion Body Art FX 1 Stroke Cake - Cotton Candy by Lodie Up (30 gm) $13.50
Silly Farm Arty Brush Cakes - Pretty Baby (20 gm) $11.99
Paradise Prisma Rainbow Arc-En-Ceil (Rainbow) 806- 659 (1.75 oz/50 gm) $14.50