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19 results
The Many Faces of Dachi
Cosplaying is the adult version of dress-up. Only instead of donning our mothers cast downs and traipsing around in heeled shoes a million times too big for us [..]
How to Draw a Quick and Easy Bunny Face
Preparation Have a picture of the look you wish to achieve, and keep it near you when doing the makeup Pull hair back out of the way Clean [..]
Gamora by Moe Hunt
During the recent Chicago Wizard World comic convention I came across some fantastic cosplays, one of them was by Moe Hunt.
Chicago Wizard World 2014
As expected there were several variants of Guardians of the Galaxy. Here are just a few of the outstanding makeups from Wizard World 2014
Spiderman Made Easy
Looking for a quick and effective on the job Spiderman face paint design? Look no further than this Spiderman face paint tutorial!
Meet a Chicagoland Area Face Painter
Wina Shelley of Party Picassos Face and Body Painting started into face painting almost by accident. She was an art student at the American Academy of Art when [..]
Day of the Dead Makeup
This day of the dead makeup tutorial is easy to replicate with our step-by-step instructions! Day of the Dead, also known as Dia de Los Muertos in Spanish, is a time honored Mexican tradition where the living celebrate the dead
Easy Villain Look: Movie Version Joker
Superheros are popular, they may have started out with comic books, but since then they have expanded into cartoons, movies, and even TV shows. Check out this young joker face paint tutorial!
Hell Boy Makeup by Christopher English
Earlier we had done a brief interview with Chris English and now Chris gives us a fantastic tutorial on his transformation into Hellboy look.
Clown Makeup: The Only Limit is Your Imagination
A clown is probably one of the easiest full face makeups to do because you can’t go wrong. Anything goes with a clown. When it comes to children, you should make it bright and happy, like this beautiful little girl.
How to do Simple Mouse Makeup
There are certain characters that are iconic and need no introduction. Check out this Minnie Mouse face paint tutorial that's perfect for little girls!
Last Minute Cosplay Makeup Ideas
Looking for some quick and easy facepaint ideas, maybe you have a costume party to go to, or it’s your first adventure into Cosplaying? As long as you have the colors you can’t really can’t get more simple makeup than some these.
Cosplay Makeup: The Ultimate Hellboy
When I started returning to the Con scene a few years ago, I started seeing Christopher English’s Hellboy everywhere.
C2E2 Offers a Wide Variety of FacePaint Examples
Fan conventions are some of the best places to see facepainting that has been done by both professionals and amateurs. They are where people meet up to share and show off their passion.
Interview with a Paintopia Professional Face Painting Winner
It’s nice to occasionally hear from those out in real world who do the face and body painting for a living. In this case I spoke with Clare, [..]
Angry Birds: Creating the Red Bird
When working with children, they always want what they know and what is popular. These days one of the most popular games played by children and adults is Angry Birds!
Frankensteins Monster Face Paint Design
Doing a full face paint mask on any child can take a while, this idea by Cosmic Face Paint is a great solution for the child with limited patience. A half face mask.
How to Face Paint a Sugar Skull on a Cheek
Sugar skull designs are always fun to paint on a cheek or an arm for someone who doesn’t want a full dia de los Murtos mask.
How to do Sugar Skull Makeup With Face and Body Paints
Dia das los Murtos is almost here! Some of the funnest and most creative make up out there.