#1. Unicorn Crown Design

Products Used:
- Silly Farm Summer Sorbet Rainbow Cake
- Always Wicked Art Sponge
- FAB White
- 3/4" Flat Brush
- Pink StarBlend Powder
- Lollipop Applicator
- Cameleon Banana Yellow
- Filbert Brush
- Cameleon Bollywood Pink
- Diamond FX White
- Round Number 3
- Begin by loading Silly Farm Summer Sorbet Rainbow Cake, or your favorite rainbow cake, onto a petal sponge. With the pointed tip of the sponge in the inner corner of the eye, apply the color to both of the eyelids evenly.
- Next, load a 3/4" flat brush with Fab White and create the shape of the unicorn forehead as well as the ears. Be sure to stay above the magical rainbow shadow that you've already placed over the eyelids. Notice I make a bump at the center of the unicorn's forehead. I do so for two reasons, really: number one, I just like the way it looks. Number two, it gives a little spot for our unicorn horn to nestle in for our next step.
- This next step is 100% optional, but if you have the time then go ahead and add in some shading and rosy cheeks with Pink Mehron Star Blend powder and a lollipop applicator. Busy line? No worries, just skip it!
- With a mid-sized filbert brush and Cameleon Banana Yellow (or any color you prefer) paint in your ultra-magical unicorn horn. If you choose to add in the forehead bump as I do, make sure the base of your unicorn horn is not setting on top of the bump, but rather nestled below near the center.
- With a number 3 round brush and Cameleon Bollywood Pink, define the base of your unicorn crown by outlining the ears and horns. Don't forget to add some flourishes at the outer corners of the eye. This should be in your favorite style. Don't feel limited to teardrops. Try painting in some press petal flowers, stencil in some stars, or maybe add some super sparkly chunky glitter.
- Lastly, with a small round brush and Diamond FX White add in your highlights and some extra magic to the tip of your unicorn horn. Starbursts and dots are an always popular choice but as always, feel free to add your own twist and see what develops!
#2. On-the-Job Unicorn Design by Marina

Products Used:
Silly Farm-Carribean Cool
Petal Sponge
One Stroke Brush
One Stroke Cakes
Wolfe White
DFX Black
Round Brush No.2

- Let kids choose a base color for unicorn. One of my favorites is Silly Farm's Caribbean Cool split cake. Take your petal sponge and let's create the base, watching that darkest color is always on outer side and framing design. When we paint the horn we are gonna squeeze a bit that largest part of petal sponge to get better shape, and the darker color will be on bottom.
Painting the mane was for me actually he hardest part at the beginning, especially around the horn. Taking your one stroke brush and favorite one stroke cake, paint hair around horn, ears and sides.
For lining the unicorn design I never use black paint. It's always grey, magenta, or purple, depending on base color. It looks softer that way. Paint some nostrils and line your bottom lip.
With round brush No. 2 and white paint, add some highlights and paint extra large eyelashes with black paint. This is my basic on-the-job unicorn design, but here you can add some stars, glitter, or more. I often put some interesting pattern on the cheeks with a stencil, and that's it!
#3. Sun and Stars Unicorn by Kellie Burrus

Products Used:
BAMs Scattererd Star Stencil
Global Hero Pallet by Onalee
Diamond FX White
Wolfe Black
Mehron Paradise Brown
Loew-Cornell Round #6 and Round #3
American Painter 3/4” angled brush

- I used a 3/4” angled brush and an orange, yellow and red one stroke to create a sun over Leslie’s left eye. I also used the 3/4” angled brush and a blue, black and grey one stroke cake sweeping the color from the top of Leslie's right eye, under and up between her eyes.
- I used white to sketch out and fill in a unicorn profile over the sun. I also stenciled stars over the blue side with white paint.
- I used a round brush to add yellow for a glow to the unicorn, and a red orange where shadows might fall. I then blended the red orange lines to soften and added brown line work where shadows might fall.
- I added white highlights on the unicorn and I painted tear drops over the blue side and along side the unicorn.
- Finally, I added black line work and outlined tear drops. I also used white to add star bursts and dots. Lastly I added lipstick and the design is finished!
#4. Kittycorn With Bling Centerpiece by Marina

Products Used:
Silly Farm Juicy Fruit
Kraze FX White
Kraze FX Black
Unicorn Horn
Petal Sponge
Round brush No4
I'm using Tulip dimensional fabric paint because it works best for me. Horns you can buy here or make yourself with soft clay.
First, I put paint on plastic sleeves, let it dry for a minute or two, then place a horn on it. Use a rolled tissue for support and so that horn stays up, my advice would be not bigger angle than 35°. After that, it's time to be creative and add other gems, feathers, flowers, etc around our unicorn horn bling centerpiece. Let it dry over night and then turn them over so that bottom part can dry to. And that's it.
Usually for this design I use Silly Farm Juicy Fruit but I ran out of it so I used this small cake, but for sponged design it is smarter and easier using big cakes of course. With a petal sponge, create base just as you would for butterfly.
- Add our new Kraze FX White on eyelids, and then with round brush No4 and Kraze FX Black, outline and create our kitty.
- Make sure that your lines are going from thin to thick to thin again.That way we are making sure that our kittycorn design is interesting and fun.
- Now it is time to make our design special and unique! Add bling Centerpiece that compliments rest of the design. For attaching my bling cluster I'm using double sided toupee tape and it works perfectly.
Products Used:
Graftobian White ProPaint Face Paint - White 77001 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Black ProPaint Face Paint - Black 77002 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Pink ProPaint Face Paint - Shocking Pink 77017 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Teal ProPaint Face Paint - Teal 77010 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Purple ProPaint Face Paint - Purple 77008 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Yellow ProPaint Face Paint - Yellow 77005 (1 oz/30 ml)
Graftobian Gray ProPaint Face Paint Graveyard Grey 77012 (1 oz/30 ml)
Loew-Cornell® Gold Grip #1 Round Brush (3/32")
Loew-Cornell® Gold Grip #4 Round Brush (1/8")
Silly Farm Paint Pal Big Drop Filbert Brush (3/8")
Kryolan #4 Flat Brush (3/16")
#6. Unicorn & Rainbow Video Tutorial
Products Used:
Kryvaline small split cake Fairy
Diamond FX or Wolfe white face paint
Diamond FX or Wolfe black face paint
Paradise Grey Face Paint
TAG Green Face Paint
Global Pearl Magenta Face Paint
Paradise silver face paint
#1 Round Brush
#3 Round Brush
#5 round brush
3/4-inch flat brush