
Facepaint Blog

Browse through hundreds of face painting designs - there's something for everyone! Updated weekly with the newest trends in mind.

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Not every white seems to be perfect for every job. Some are good for line work others are better for blending - let's find out what is the best white for you! sells dozens of different brands black face paint, so which one should you to choose for your kit? This blog will definitely help you decide...
In this quick tutorial, face paint artist Marina, shows us how to remove tough face paint stains, and it's actually easier than you'd think!

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Intensive care-Halloween fast design Vol.1 by Marina. Easily apply these amazing transfers for a realistic looking bruising.

FX Transfers are great for fast effects, they're not just for professional use. They can be used by everyone because they are easy to apply, and final result is great.

Fast Halloween design using 3D FX KIT by WOOCHIE. Easily apply these amazing transfers for a realistic looking horns.

Looking for designs for this Halloween? Check out Grim Reaper arm design by Andrea Colletti!
Rainbow skull design that kids will love.

Feeling a little devilish?  This sexy She-Devil design is sure to seduce all the naughty boys this Halloween!

Bring out the mischievous side of you with this super fast, fun and sparkly She-Devil design!
A She Devil is a great design for any time of year. Women and girls will love to feel feminine and scary with this design.
Let's take a look at how Natalia Malley creates this creepy Anime character called Tokyo Ghost.
Anime might be one of the most difficult face painting designs you'll ever receive a request for, so it's a good idea to have at least one or two of them ready in your repertoire. 

For this tutorial I have prepared a super fast Dracula design. This looks very intricate, but is actually very fast and can easily be painted in 5 minutes or less!

Creepy! Check out this eye-illusion design by Ana Cedoviste!