

Blue is a popular color in many face/body designs. If you have a school team whose color is blue, make sure you have plenty of blue liquid paint on hand to cover the fans.


Woochie Liquid Lip - Electric Blue $32.00
PartyXplosion Aqua Single Stroke Split Cake - 43942 (50 gm) $126.00
Kryvaline Creamy Line Paints - Blue (1.06 oz/30 gm) $58.00
Elisa Griffith Color Me Pro Powder - Abyss (3.5 gm/ 0.12 oz) $40.00
FAB Blue Face Paint - Snow Petrol Shimmer 273 $80.00
Ben Nye MagiCake Face Paint Palettes (12 Colors) $380.00
Snazaroo Ultimate Party Pack $190.00
Superstar Biodegradable Glitter - Fine Turquoise (6 ml) $45.00
Wolfe Jumbo Face Paint Crayons - Pearl (6/box) $22.00 $24.00
Fusion Body Art FX 1 Stroke Cake - Sweet Dream by Lodie Up (30 gm) $107.00
Wolfe Metallix Face Paint Palettes (6/colors) $159.00
Ben Nye MagiCake - Cosmic Blue LA-62 (0.77 oz/22 gm) $127.00
Diamond FX Split Cake Sky Nights RS50-75 (1.76 oz/50 gm) $127.00
FAB Face Paint - Magic Blue 216 $36.00 - $80.00
PartyXplosion Aqua Face Paint - Pearl Royal Blue 43729 (30 gm) $47.00
Snazaroo Face Paint - Dark Blue 333 (0.6 oz/18 ml) $50.00
Elisa Griffith Color Me Pro Powder - Sparkly Aqua (3.5 gm/ 0.12 oz) $40.00
FAB Primary Face Paint Palette (6 Colors - 11 gm) $190.00 $198.00
Wolfe Face Paints - Light Blue 066 $16.00 - $151.00
Jim Howle Grease Paint - Ultra Blue $103.00