
TAG Pearl Single Color Face Paints

TAG Single Pearl Colors give you the variety of color you need with a bit of a shine. Compared to TAG Regular Paints, Single Pearl Colors have a softer consistency, yet each color has an edgy dash of cosmetic Mica (not made from metal), which gives the face paint a metallic glimmer. Beautiful colors include Lime, Old Gold, Sky Blue, Rose, and more! More company info...

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TAG Face Paints - Pearl White (1.13 oz/32 gm) $10.10
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Gold $4.00 - $18.00
TAG Blue Face Paints - Pearl Teal (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Red (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Blue $8.00 - $17.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Yellow (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Purple (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Pink Face Paints - Pearl Rose $8.00 - $18.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Sky Blue (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Black (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Bronze Green (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Green Face Paints - Pearl Lime (1.13 oz/32 gm) $10.10
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Green (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Purple Face Paints - Pearl Lilac (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Copper (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
TAG Purple Face Paints - Pearl Wine (1.13 oz/32 gm) $10.10
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Blush (1.13 oz/32 gm) $10.10
TAG Face Paints - Pearl Orange (32 gm/1.13 oz) $8.00
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TAG Brown Face Paints - Pearl Old Gold (1.13 oz/32 gm) $8.00
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